Last time I was at sea during a World Cup, was 2010 on the Costa Atlantica, and Spain won. The place was electric. The Germans wer e more well behaved and after the win cheered a bit and left single file. Ironically the ship was dead tonight because they were replaying the match on tv. Twice as nice.
July 2010
31- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

It's A Wonderful World in the Frank Capra movie called Denmark. I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?" They really saying, "I love you!" Hair Today Gone Tomorrow The follicularly-challanged You know what happens every time a bell angel gets its wings. You know what happens to your hair, as you accrue more T.O.E., Time On Earth, Every good hour on the planet you have, you lose one. Shaving your head perfectly bald, then, is a bit of fake-it-till-you-make-it- until
29- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Imagine Whirled Peas I didn't wake up this morning. I came to---here in Oslo, home of the Nobel Peace Prize where in a perfect world, chickens get to cross the road without having their motives questioned. The prestige, the impact of winning a Nobel, I'd kill for one! I have good chemistry, maybe I could get one in that category too. I think, therefore I am under qualified for these awards as well: Oscar for Best Cinematography, 2010 Cy Young Award, International Air Guitar Championship,
27- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

It only ends once-anything before that is just progress Rewriting the dictionary of superlatives-maginficient, stunning, breathtaking, spectacular, awesome just won't do. Stunning and rejuvenating will have to. Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts. In fact, ignorance is bliss here in Northern Europe.There is no global warming! The water is too cold to go swimming :(. It is not the fall, but the sudden stop at the bottom that gets you. What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
23- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Regular Warnemünde vs Extra Crispy Copenhagen Voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate-Serindipity, I call it good luck. I am big fan of the extraordinary role that luck plays in all our lives-big luck,small luck, good luck. Luck is an art. We are like fish, the last ones to know we are in the water,and most of the time we swim right past luck , and we're looking in any direction but where luck is. We all get those moments, however,
20- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Go East Young Man When was the last time you even thought about Estonia, the worlds first post commie Nordic country? Guess what? It’s a place. People live there, very beautiful ppl,especially the Baltic girls. Yes, they are attractive. Yes, they are hip and trendy, yes they might be the most beautiful woman in world, but for tourists, there are the castles and churches. Tallinn, for instance, is a very well preserved medieval city. It is our Baltic port of call again. Ernest
19- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Travelling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, I wanna love you, but I have to go; this is just the way it is.The bigger the summer vacation the harder the fall. Vacations are like gambling, and always connected with winning and losing, and generally where it is least expected we receive, more or less than what we hoped for. Especially if you say the T word, tourist. The march of stupidity and the routines of tourism are even more monotonous than those of
12- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Narrow Road To The Interior 4 season in one day Mother Narture laughs out loud Life is forever I'm past the point of no return. I'll just concern myself with the best way of moving forward. Mindless Purity Putting the ODD back in God Before, Norway, Earth Goddess was just a yuppie salad dressing you could buy at Whole Foods. I never thought that people died. They just went to organic health food stores... and that Japanese guy who always wins the hot
10- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Hold My Bike While I Kiss Your GirlfriendNot riding a bike in Copenhagen is like not kissing someone in Paris.Cést la vie.If Paris is the City of Lights, then Copenhagen is the City of Cycles.There are 1.7 million people here and 1.7 million bicycles. Cylcing is not a moral manifesto or Carbon Offset. Although some would argue for putting warning labels on cars,Danes ride their rusty garden gates to get to places. When it take 15 minutes to find your bike at the train station, you know
9- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

It´s Alway Sunrise Somewhere I am in Warnemunde but this photo needs no interpretation. There is a malignant optimism in watching the sun rise, breathing in the cool baltic sea air. Another 24 hours in the time factory,where everyone slaves away earning enough love to break their own chains. Narrow Road To The Interior Beauty on the rise. Golden fire from the East. Someone notices. "We call it football"We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others--Germany is out
3- Jul- 2010-- by Ed Reif»

Humans envy my swimming ability, but I wish I could read Ed´s blog. Donald Duck Black Swan Dynamics The swans are talking to me, as I take a break from biking, and look out into the Søerne. Makes me think of"meaningful coincidence" and Being Fooled By Randomness ...the architecture of my own brain that thinks things are happening by chance when they are actually happening by design. Black Swan logic makes what you don't know far more relevant than what you do know. Isn't it strange