The sum of all my problems today is the inability to sit quietly alone on deck 4 and watch the dolphins |
WYSIWYG-What you see is what you get- I do not
create the Caribbean blue ocean, the white powder sandy beaches. Rather they
are gifts to me. What I write about comes out of gratitude for being t/here.
Traveling gives me the sense of inhabiting my own
life. Yet, when I was an AmeriCAN’T, I didn’t
even renew my passport, and never got inside of
my own life.
It’s as if my rich Uncle Sam has already
written the script for me, Thou shalt be
comfortable---The payoff was that I got to buy and do nice things like
trips to Disney World, Las Vegas and The
This is walking the painted horizontal
(stuff and things) line, slaves to credit cards and debt. It’s almost a rule
that you can’t get enough of what you never wanted in the first place.
The majority of my time in the USA, I have
never been remotely anywhere without electric lights. I’ ve rarely been quiet for a whole day. In fact, all of my “problems”
simply stemmed from the inability to sit alone quietly at the beach or where ever. Doing this at sea is a forced sequester that revives my sense of time, and move me (
up or down) the vertical (spirit) line towards the saints or
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It was so astonishing that I received 26,000 hits+ to
date on Youtube;
Nightline and Good
Morning America licensed my “content” for their broadcasts.
The legacy of expectations about who we are is
cookie cutter from our parents, our culture—it’s a tradition which may or may
not resonate with me, depending on my mood swings. It’s hard to go out of your
CZ, comfort zones, and yet when you get the call” Anyplace but here” and “I
want to be surprised”, you have to.
Sure, you can put the fun in this dysfunction.
And dedicate yourself to living out these stories for an entire lifetime, with
a little help from your friends-Generation Rx. Or you coulkd break down, then breakthrough
and be an outlaw-and tell your own story.
Defying these storylines is cultural betrayal and family rebellion.
That’s the difference between doing the blue chip things-living out the myth and living out autobiographically.
We are all living holograms, and can find answers on the quest simply by telling our own stories, by writing our autobiography—and discovering our personal mythology. I don’t have one part of me that writes and another part that lives. My posts are just reports of a journey in progress.
Cozumel-3 years ago |