Who ever thought you would eat at a gas station? Get-it-your-Self service has taken a new turn in la la land (Los Angeles)--while walking into the local organic smoothie shop, the owner said, "I'm kinda busy, could you get it yourself...and make me a shot too".
Juice Jockey
He was talking about wheat grass. The health claims range from increasing energy to improving digestion The chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients in a one ounce shot, contains multiple benefits: including anti-aging powers, a GR8 detox, and it helps in building up lean muscle mass and burning body fat .
You are not what you eat, you are what you assimilate.
This is your brain on Cowboy French Fries
In the land of plenty where the whiter the bread the quicker you’re dead, bread is not the staff of life, fresh fruit and vegetables are- So I'm eating(and drinking) my colors, including the lean and green wheat grass.
Eat It Raw-Are you an AmeriCAN or an AmeriCAN'T
The art of conscious eating...It’s all about the water content, all about the food value. When you eat it raw, you get both higher levels of water content and greater food value. I've been switched on to a living foods diet these days.
It is easier to change your religion than your diet, Uncle Sam's unhappiness-SAD, the Standard American Diet , is where more people die from overeating than starvation. McMurder, er I mean Mc Donald French Fires taste so "good" because not only are they laced with sugar and beef bullion, they also fried in hydrogenated oil.
This Genetically-modified FrankenFood, aka, Trans fatty acids, disrupt communication in your brain. Eating French fries can re-wire your brain, weakening its architecture;setting the stage for cellular degeneration and diminished mental performance. Nerons that wire together fire together. This is your brain on French Fries (and Potatoe Chips).
I'm back in the artery clogging "all-you-can-eat buffets and sugared water drinks." USA. An AmeriCANT is about "Super Sizing". You saw what the burger did to the king---he was so handsome, and then fat Elvis in a white polyester suit. Where was Las Vegan instead of Las Vegas?