| Travels In Hyper Reality-Tahitian Choreo-Musical Performances |
Moorea in the distance |
One thing for sure, they all came by boat. So did I! |
Reprint from World Cruise 2011 With less than 24 hours in port, the locals and locale are living up to their sterotypes---the Tiki style roofs, the tropical gardens and swaying palm trees, and more than that, there is still the visual sovenier that, like the Postman, always delivers: The beautiful exotic Tahitian Princess with their down-to-the knees long raven hair ---hand-weaving leis effortless, while wraping themselves in water-colored flowered sarongs, in the post colonial suburb of Paris, known as modern day Papeete. As the ukulele soundtrack in the background is playing , I feel like I am on safari-- Polynesia cannot escape being a human zoo seeking to contain the lives of its star attraction--its 'first'and native people.
It's A Small World After All
Marketing the definitive view of paradise

Playing the game of staged authenticity in the tourist themed spaces of Tahiti, while it is not the Mcdonald-ization of the South Pacific, it is playing more like a Disney animated feature film----Staged Authenticity! I feel even weird participating in the rituals of sightseeing and taking pictures--Even at the Gaugain Musuem, the pictures are fakes (They can't afford to preserve and curate the orginals). I have seen most of them around the world, mostly at the Hermitage in St Petersburg Russia of all places. But anyway the copies are better than the ABOrgininals!
The hyperreal world is the world of ‘the Absolute Fake’ where imitations do not only reproduce reality, but try improving it. The French artist Gauguin's obsession with French Polynesia is still working!!