No longer gluten free yet still wacktose intolerant |
This is your brain on French Fries!
Marlboro Man---is an American Beauty---Look Closer. Cowboy French Fries! from the most powerful---and in some quarters, most detested---brand image of the century,

The United States of unconscious eating where the portions are too small and there is never enough--It is easier to change a man's religion than -his diet. The default mode of eating-the
Standard American
Diet S.A.D- of incredible sumptuous meals, a nautical buffet of seeing food and eating it--
onboard the World Cruise-- was wacky enough to through off my entire digestive system.
After binging out on one last "Fish and Chips" for cultural reasons,(it is after all the United Kingdom), I am back on the path to desludging my liver, and the gallbladder cleanse- thanks to raw fruit and vegetable juices-a plant based living foods diet, I am re-booting my metabolism.
I have been juicing for about two weeks-There's a saying among vegetarians, "Eat your colors". Well, I am drinking my colors too. Carrot, Celery,Apple, Cucumber, Ginger and Cantaloupe Juices!
Raw foods and fresh juices are the real fast food: because it isn't about how quickly food can get into your mouth, but how fast the body can digest it, and extract the goodness and get rid of the waste. We don’t need our food dead, sick or wounded. We need it alive. Buy a juicer!