London Bridges-Resilience

Walking the bridges of London  and Tower was not a business- as -usual moment but more a statement of resilience after the terror attack on London Bridge yesterday. Lightning does strike twice in the same place because there are always copycats but we went anyway.

 No man is an island an we felt the loss of the two precious lives of these decent people. The go-to statement  after these events is "thoughts and prayers'' . Fair enough, but we did feel an imense sadness at two young lives snuffed out in their prime. We can do better. Millions of years of evolutionary gains as a species, and THIS. We need to put ourselves under  urgent review, and get back to love.

Evcerything Sparkles
Angels light our way as we walk towards Leister Square

As we continued into the night we saw the Christmas trees and illuminated angels guided us day and night.

We browsed the London Bridge Christmas stalls and had a moveable feast of great foods.

We headed for Covent Garden Apple Market which is one of the best things anyone can do to get festive.

We found ourselves in collaboration with the rest of the tourists to take in the lights and sounds and shops that were reminding us that we had everything right in one place.

 We stopped at the Piazza and heard the Opera Singer who was so switched on I thought he was going to light up like a Christmas Tree too.

Later at Hays Market Yule be surpirsed!