Atlantic And Pacific Ocean- Sage On The Stage

Art Worth Sea-ing Pacific Ocean 2010 (above), Atlantic Ocean 2009 (Below)

Death By Power Point 
Power corrupts, PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.

 Joe Montana 'Notre Dame Days
The language of Business is Power Point---A good PP needs to be 10 slides, 20 minutes, and 40 picas(big typeface).PowerPoint doesn’t kill meetings. People kill meetings. Using  PowerPoint is like having a loaded gun  on the table: You can do very bad things with it.

Sometimes PPT is a Presentation tool, sometimes I am an a Presentation Tool! Switching my "skill set" over to live lectures and talks is like stand up comedy. I'm leveraging the past "in the trenches" war stories, and re-creating.

All You Need Is Max

Leroy Neiman -Mike Piazza
I Meet Therefore I Am-Worth Sea-ing
At Sea , Doing Business As an Art Dealer is Show and Tell,. letting PPT slide.These live "informative and entertaining" Art Auctions are fun to do.