I had an expression "I haven't been everywhere, but it is on my list."
Living Well Is Not The Best Revenge, Moving On Is! |
I used to think working on cruise ships was bad, but I stopped thinking. I am looking BACK at some of my adventures, which were nothing more than bad planning! And looking FORWARD to the unexpected which is nothing lesss than letting go of the past and creating a more AMAZING future.There is no doubt about it, the exhilarating state of mind that travel can evoke, when everything seems suddenly fresh, vivid, intensely interesting, and memorable.
Living well, then, isn't anything other the best way to try to live. As I connect the dots, I am reminded:
These next three links, however, are before my LEFT brain got good at telling my RIGHT brain what to do:
I think of my job as Art Director as leading people to those moments of awe – ecstasy that overtakes you when you encounter a new idea, or place. After all, the definition of ecstasy is that you are not doing your ordinary everyday routine....essentially stepping into an alternative reality...
In answer to the Question, "How long has he been drifting?"Celebrating One Year at Sea this week.It started in Rome Sweet Rome, then Santorini...I haven´t been everywhere, but it´s on my list...
Space travel sure is fun. Greetings from the user-friendly universe---The Peoples Republic of Santa Monica;Home of The Mac Store, and Apple, the forbidden fruit.
First in January, I was in the Majik Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a bit like Mars.
Then in February, I went to The Land of Smiles, Thailand, and walked on the moon.
Finally, in March and April, I had my head in the clouds with The Helium Report, winning and losing the American dream in Macau every night, playing high-stakes no limit- poker, on The Hong Kong Express...
The best ships are Entrepenurships---
There is an I in Team--Me!
SHIP Happens-Everything that happens once will never happen again; but everything that happens twice, will surely happen again...and again...and again.
Here Are Some Of My Best Ships
Costa Atlantica-Who is driving the ship Capo (Schettino) if you are here toasting champagne?Va Veni-Microsoft! |
Travel is pied piper leading the masses to those moments of awe – ecstasy that overtakes you when you encounter a new idea, or place. After all, the definition of ecstasy is that you are not doing your ordinary everyday routine....essentially stepping into an alternative reality.
There is an I in Team Ed
Call it faith! A passion for the possible. I am full of it, and shooting from the hip that is to say, as I stated, having an adventure is something more but nothing less than bad planning. When I cold-called for my first ship job, and got it after a 12 minute elevator pitch, I began to trust myself, and my elevator pitch, and only when you trust yourself can you truly begin to live it up.
In fact, the only thing you need if you work on a ship to finance your world travelling is a love and passion for travelling and for what you do---- the time and opportunity is onboard the ship, and the money flows based on your commitment, focus and determination(if you are commissioned). You get there. Your attitude will reflect your altitude. Instant gratification takes to long. You get there slowly.
Jean Paul Sartre, the French existentialist said,
Freedom is what you do to what has been done to you
I would value-add that by saying ,
Freedom is what you do to what has been done to you by your own thoughts, words and actions. (See my blog post As Seen On TV).
Malcom Gladwell's 10,000 Rule of practice is required to achieve a level of mastery and being a SME, Subject Matter Expert, I put in the time. His book is about outliers, about men and women who do things that are out of the ordinary. I would have to say, living and working on a cruise ship, is somewhat extraordinary, and definitely unusual.