Alaska-The Great Land-Action Plan

    Being There

    Wow What a Summer last August-Alaska is a lot like pizza. When it's good, it's really good.
    When it's bad, it's still pretty good; and like the Pizza Guy, Alaska always delivers.

    Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe videos. Nature's living mirror, however is water---whether still or in motion,The most beautiful landscapes go  better with H 2 Ooooooooh! 

    The Happy go Locals don't tan, they rust, and if they smoke, they smoke salmon.The  cruisers who inhabit this place for 6  hours a day may have come on different ships, but they are all in the same boat-Mother Nature's.


Here are my top 5 Videos:

    Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean-John Muir

    When you lived so little you tend to imagine you’re not going to die. But wasting your time concentrating on death is like watching  a comedy  and thinking only about the credits that are going to roll at the end. It’s a mistake of emphasis.

     I like entering THAT  magic field called “Eureka”  enjoying the sweet lightness of being when  you are the universe. My attitude creates my altitude  and that makes me longitude my gratitude. Let me 'splan: Longitude spans all seven continents and so have I. Energy flow where attention goes. Sometimes, I get an incredible ROI, return on investment by being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I embarked on an unplanned trip and became:

Read More @ The Accidental Sailor

Beauty is Unity in Variety

When I rowed on the Charles River (1980), the  state of flow was often triggered.  It's that place where action and awareness merge, and you feel a tremendous amount of self control and focus.  What is even more amazing is the total lack of emotion(s) in this spaciousness You can't create experiences like this, you undergo them.  

The Secret is about results, flow is about process rather than achievement. The ends  justify the means is about the outcome. Flow  is means without ends-the joy is simply doing it, but doing it optimally is, nonetheless  the consequence.

Peak Experiences  provide water/landmarks of positive experiences that  I can recall and savor throughout the rest of my life or as I have come to know it-the stopover between being and oblivion,  that blissful repose of nothingness. 

Mysticism and Exaggeration  ---"Holy Cow!" hyperbole go together 

PE's  are those moments, gone in 60 seconds to  a few minutes, where I feel my  highest levels of happiness, synchronicity and  promise.  It's real magic where my consciousness becomes storyteller. The teachable moment being: PE's  insinuate  the recognition that my own powers are far greater than I  imagined them to ever be.

I have had so many of these  PE's  while sailing. It's no stretch---Nature has a way of showing up and producing wonder, awe, or ecstasy. 

Last Summer, for instance, in the Pacific Northwest. Peak Experiences are  another way to describe the joy and elation that visit(ed) my life.
Write? Right!

    Here are my travel blog entries: