Mind, Body And Juice

When you got lemons, make lemonade
After 5 days of Juice FEASTING, I am on my second day of Juice FASTING. These healing tonics are making a statement--I feel good.

Rocket Surgery

I first came to know about drinking fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices, on late-night infomercials. The Father of Juicing and NY Times Best Selling Author  Jay Kordish was and still is on  mission is to teach and inspire healthy living by consuming fresh juices daily. 

Eating LIke A Bunny

Albert Einstein said, "Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them." So I have decided not to use prescription drugs to stop the party going on in my gall bladder instead of having it removed.

 I'm using a different mind sets- Drinking live raw juices and doing the complete OPPOSITE of the way I have been eating on the ships-Eliminating  Animal Flesh (Red Meat) Eliminating  Excess (Bad) Fats and Oils (Fried Foods) Eliminate Milk, Cheese, Eggs,Dairy Products. Eliminating  Acid Addictions (Coffee). Replacing White  Sugar with Honey.

I am juicing these healing tonics for  these benefits: basically lots of dense vitamins and minerals, and reduction of inflammation, and providing a more alkaline state for my digestion.

I Got Some New Glasses...of Juice!
 and the wonderful Rooibos, bush tea from South Africa
I'm Alkalizing--Eating my colors
ORANGE (Carrots,Cantaloupe, Sweet Potatoes,)
GREEN (Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Greens )
RED (Beets, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Pomegranates).
WHITE (Garlic, Onions)
YELLOW (Lemons, Grapefruit, Pineapple).
 I'm Hydrating-drinking more water. This is the other component of the Juice FEAST/FAST.

It has been two weeks since I had coffee- Did I give it up? No It gave me up. I'm listening to my body.


On The Set Of Soldier 1998

PROGRESS=HAPPINESS It has an aliveness to it. Change is automatic but progress is not.

Last Month,Planting The Seeds
If you want to take the Island, burn the boats- An I for an Island. I have a VISION for what I truly want-creating perfect health and fitness.  I'm going for the washboard abs again. 

My physical body  was  the absolute standard I had to live by . My brain  always found a way to keep me there, eating clean and drinking raw fresh vegetable and fruit juices. I always found a way to get back to total fitness.

Working on the ships, I bought a juicier onboard but the ritual of  doing it everyday no longer became a must but a should. I didn't back up my standards wit the rituals of working out, eating clean, and after 4 years onboard, I gained weight.

Sure, I worked out, and went through the motions,  but I didn't create a sustainable result. The  food I ate was so different. (I added meat to my diet, and almost always ate dessert) I really believe that I chose this alternative because I wanted to travel around the world. I have had too much variance with acidity. Now I am alkalizing again. The PH balance is rebooting!