Tranquility Base-The Ego Has Landed

Space travel sure is fun

Greetings from the user-friendly universe---The Peoples Republic of Santa Monica; Home of The Mac Store, and Apple, the forbidden fruit.

First in January, I was in the Majik Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a bit like Mars.

Then in February, I went to The Land of Smiles, Thailand, and walked on the moon.

Finally, in March and April, I had my head in the clouds with The Helium Report, winning and losing the American dream in Macau every night, playing high-stakes no limit- poker, on The Hong Kong Express.

Leaving Las Vegas

In May and June, I got my Baht out of Asia and went back to the United States of Unconsciousness, playing tournament poker in the black holes of Midwest bars and Las Vegas Casinos. Spent the best part of my losing an Army Jeep, from what I can recall.

There's that line from Sheryl Crow
-Standing in the middle of the desert waiting for my ship to come in...
In July, I decided to take a World Tour-Cruise (creating my own luck) to get away from the game. I had a false start with a run at Amsterdam's Holland Casino.Nevertheless, mission accomplished---I love poker but I am not in love with it anymore. Poker and I have decided to see other PPL.

Last month was the Epiphany. On a visit to Monaco , I was scheduled to level up, turning my bogus Poker PH.D. from ESPN, to the real deal in Monte Carlo. I didn't have any gamble in me and didn't even walk through the doors. After all, you can only quit once.

The last three months, I have been in Russia and The Baltics, The British Isles, Scandinavia, The Greco-Italian-French Mediterranean. Now I am here in California to re-charge before the next leg--Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific...and The Southern Cross

Being Vincent Vega

Don't ask me what they call a whopper over there-

"I Never Went To Burger King"---Pulp-free fiction writer and Space Sheriff Ricochet Rabbit

This pretty much sums up the differences between America And Europe:Royale With Cheese-Meet Your Meat: